What have you been up to recently?
英会話サークルUECC Eigoで話そう!8月5日(水)14時~15時でオンライン開催(Google Hangouts)致します。参加費は無料です!
Utsunomiya English Chat Club meets on the 5th of August from 14:00 to 15:00 at an online chat room on Google Hangouts, and is admission free.
Please note that this event requires a Google account, and possibly necessity of downloading Google Hangouts app beforehand.
Seating capacity is 6 person, and this is the first-come-first-served basis.
The topics is... "Sounds"
◆What are your favourite sounds?
◆What’s the most annoying sound to wake up to?
◆Which do you think sounds better, digital sound or analogue sound?
◆What sounds do you hear in bed at night?
◆What are the differences between a sound and a noise?
◆Which sounds in English do you have problems with?
Please register via Facebook/email by noon of the 4th. Contact us if you have any questions or require any further information.
Email: utsunomiyaenglishchatclub*yahoo.com (Please replace "*" into "@")