Eigoで話そう!Jul 4, 2018
Hello! What’s been going on lately?
英会話サークルUECC Eigoで話そう!7月4日(水)14時~16時で開催致します。参加費は無料です!
Utsunomiya English Chat Club meets on the 4th of July from 14:00 to 16:00 at the second floor of TIA, and is admission free.
The topics are...
1. Earthquake
◆What happens during an earthquake?
◆What preparations should you make before the earthquake hits? How about the government?
◆Is it possible to know in advance that an earthquake is coming?
◆What causes aftershocks?
2. Discrimination
◆Do you think males and females are equal?
◆Have you ever been discriminated against? How did you feel at that time?
◆What should be done to stop discrimination?
◆Why do you think discrimination exists?
Please register on our booking site, or Facebook by noon of 3rd. Contact us if you have any questions or require any further information.
Email: utsunomiyaenglishchatclub*yahoo.com (Please replace "*" into "@")
Venue: Consultation room C